
We strive to provide a wide variety of programming to enable the community to learn and interact. Our recurring programs include an annual lecture series during the first 10 nights of Muharram and another held across the main nights in Ramadhan. Outside of those, we also organize special events of all types. These include religious seminars, socials, our independent TedTalk series, as well as interactive panel discussions on current affairs and personal development that explore topics as diverse as Black Lives Matter and the experiences of women to meditation.

Discover more about our programming below where you will find links to videos of past events. And please remember, your donations make these events possible. If you appreciate what we do, please support us by donating any amount you can to OIL today.


Annual Programs

Ramadhan Program (March 2025)

Starts 18 March 2025

Join us for a captivating four-night series on March 18, 19, 20 and 22 featuring renowned scholar Dr. Shaykh Imranali Panjwani at Casa Ricca Banquet Hall in Toronto, Ontario.

Program Details: 

Lecture 1
March 18: The descent and revelation of the Qur’an

Lecture 2
March 19: The reception of the Qur’an in the Prophet Muhammad’s (s.a.w) soul

Lecture 3
March 20: The compilation and structure of the Qur’an

Lecture 4
March 22: Imam Ali’s (a.s) guidance in interpreting and using the Qur’an in our lives


Nightly Agenda:

7:00 – Registration
7:20 – Quran/du’a
7:35 – salaat
7:50 – Iftar
8:45 – Lecture
9:25 – Q&A
9:45 – Amaal (on March 18, 20, 22)

Click the program title above to REGISTER.


Muharram 1446


Get ready for an exhilarating journey into the depths of Islamic wisdom and spirituality! Join us for a captivating ten-night series from July 7th to July 16th, 2024 featuring renowned scholar Shaikh Arif Abdul Hussain. 


Nightly Program (July 7th to July 15th):

7:15PM registration

7:30PM Quran

7:45PM Announcements

7:50PM Marshiya

8PM Lecture

8:45PM Nawha

8:50PM Q and A

9:10PM Azaan and Salaat

Tabarruk nightly

Saturday Seminar 10:30AM-2:30PM; light lunch served

Ashura Day July 16th

Ashura Day schedule:

10am Registration

10:15-11:50 Aamal

11:50-11:55 Marshiya

11:55-12:05 Dr Khimjee talk

12:05-12:45PM Shaikh Arif Majalis

12:45PM Nawha

12:50PM Ziarat e Taazia

1:05PM Dua of Imam Husein

1:10PM Wudhu break

1:25PM Adhaan and Salaat

1:45PM Niyaaz

Evening Sham-e-Ghariba majlis starts at 7:15pm.

Interactive Seminar:  Living a Soulful Life: Embracing Spirituality in Everyday Moments

July 13, 2024 at 10:30 AM 

Explore six dimensions to find meaning and purpose in life. This seminar aims to reflect on and integrate these six dimensions into your daily routine, fostering a holistic approach to well-being and spirituality:
  • Physical
  • Financial
  • Spiritual
  • Mental
  • Social
  • Emotional ⁠ ⁠
Through interactive discussions and practical exercises, participants will learn how to incorporate these dimensions into their lives, promoting a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.



Ramadhan Program (March-April 2024)

Ramadhan 1445

March 29 – April 2 2024

Starting at 6:30pm Nightly

Prepare to be enthralled as Dr. Panjwani delves into “Imam Ali’s understanding of the goal of Islam, the Prophet, and Qur’an: A forgotten practical, human & spiritual legacy.” This transformative series aims to unravel the timeless teachings of Imam Ali (a.s), addressing pivotal questions such as: How did Imam Ali envision the essence and objectives of Islam? How did he translate these ideals into action during his caliphate? And how did he ingeniously blend the spiritual and practical messages of the Prophet and Qur’an to foster a society grounded in justice and God-consciousness?


Casa Ricca Banquet Hall,
4801 Steeles Avenue West,







A Qur’anic Reading of Karbala: Comparing the Goals of Imam al-Husayn & Prophet Muhammad

Muharram 1445

July 18–28, 2023; from 7:30pm nightly

Ashura Day: 28 July 2023—Ashura program starts at 11:30am 

Taking place over 10 nights with Dr Imranali Panjwani as our guide, we will critically explore the exegesis of Surat al-Qalam (surah 68) to demonstrate the similarities between Imam al-Husayn’s (a.s) stand against immorality in Karbala and Prophet Muhammad’s (s.a.w) goal of moral reform in Makkah ad Madinah. The series will also comment on contemporary challenges such as new age spirituality and technological challenges to our faith.


Ashura Program

11:30 am   Arrival
11:45 am   Amaal
1:00 pm    Break for wudhu
1:25 pm    Adhan and Salaat
2:00 pm    Quran
2:10 pm    Marshiya
2:15 pm    Majlis
2:50 pm    Matam
3:00 pm    Ziyarat Taazia (condolence)
3:15 pm    Dua of Imam Husayn (a.s.)
3:20 pm    Announcement of Shaam-e-Ghareeban
3:30 pm    Niyaz served


7:30 pm     Sham-e-Ghareeban


The Spiritual and Intellectual Legacy of Imam Ali (as): Lessons from Nahj al-Balagha

Ramadhan 1444

9–13 April 2023: starting at 6:30 pm nightly

Dr Sayyid Hadi Qazwini presents a five-part series that explores the Nahj al-Balagha and reveals how to apply its timeless wisdom to the challenges of our contemporary lives.

Find out more about this event and Dr Sayyid Hadi Qazwini in our BLOG section.

Click the title above to REGISTER for this event (registration is mandatory).


Casa Ricca Banquet Hall,
4801 Steeles Avenue West,

Nightly Agenda:

6:30 pm Dua Iftitah 
7:00 pm Lecture by Dr Qazwini
8:15 pm Salat / Prayers
8:30 pm Iftar
9:30 pm
Amaal (April 9, 11, 13)
Munajat of Imam Ali (April 10) 
Dua Kumayl (April 13) 

The Challenges of Prophet Muhammad and Imam al-Husayn in Kerbala: parallels and contemporary relevance.

Muharram 1444

Arbaeen Event

18 September 2022.
Dr Imranali Panjwani leads a unique exploration
of the life of Imam Husayn (a.s.).

Trekking for Unity — The Abraham Path: A Journey Towards God and Each Other 

Ramadan 1443 / April 2022

20–22 April 2022. Anisa Mehdi presents a three-part series exploring how walking the Abraham Path in the Middle East is a metaphysical exercise as much as it is a physical one. The multi-day trek allows for greater mutual understanding between trekkers and locals, while requiring from its participants all the same elements we strive to nurture in ourselves during Ramadan: discipline, dedication, connection and reflection.

Read more here.

The Spiritual Ethics of Hussain in the Contemporary World

Muharram 1443 / August 2021

10-19 August 2021. Dr Ali-Reza Bhojani presents a 10-part lecture series for OIL’s annual Muharram program. Acknowledging the diversity of readings of the history and significance of Kerbala and Hussain Ibn Ali, Dr Bhojani asserts that resources within the Kerbala narratives for a critical, moral and rational approach to religion are paramount today. Reading Imam Hussain’s movement as a reform and revival project, this series examines theoretical questions regarding the nature of belief and personal accountability as well as more applied questions around issues of freedom of speech, sectarianism, secularism and gender.

The Science and Spirituality of Sabr

Ramadhan 1442 / May 2021

In this 5-part Ramadhan series, Marzia Hassan, LLB, explores the nuances of the Quranic concept of sabr (patience). Learn why sabr is so critical in the pursuit of a happy and meaningful life. Understand how the practice of patience can improve our relationships. And discover what sabres looks like in action and how we can nurture this virtue.

Finding God: An Intimate Journey of the Self

Muharram 1442 / August 2020

Shaykh Arif Abdul Hussain leads a 10-night discussion on how the example and very being of Imam Hussain can help us all find the deeper purpose in life for which we yearn.

The Qur’an and Human Search for Perfection

Ramadhan 1440 / May 2019

Over five nights in the blessed month of Ramadhan, Dr Abdulaziz Sachedina discusses how the holy Qur’an should be used as a guidebook for personal growth and a noble life. He discusses the Qur’an and the centrality of ethics, the Qur’anic pillars of human character, practical aspects of moral character building and the challenges of being considerate in our relationships.

Special Events

Please click on any YEAR below to expand, so that you may explore our unique programs.

OIL’s Celebration of Art and Culture

October 14, 2023 1:30 pm

This cultural event promotes Muslim and Middle Eastern artists in their work, which includes Islamic Art and modern art covering social themes.

Attendees will be able to listen to artists present short talks about their works and also be able to see the art in the Gallery and Grand Room.

Snacks and drinks will be served.

When: 14 Oct 2023 from 1:30pm to 4:30pm.

Where: Vaughan Studios and Event Space; 200 Applemill Road, 3rd Floor, Vaughan, ON

This is a free event and is open to all.

Some art will be available for purchase, HOWEVER, all transactions will occur after the event and must be transacted directly with the artist. OIL is not involved in any sales.

Eid Party

May 7, 2023 5:00 pm

The OIL Youth Committee hosts an Eid celebration for the whole family.

Join us for food, games, henna, a magic show and more.

All ages welcome.

Registration is mandatory.


Syria and Turkiye Fundraiser

March 23, 2023 12:00 am

March – April 2023

During the holy month of Ramadan, we partnered with IDRF to raise money to help families affected by devastating earthquakes in Syria and Turkiye.

The campaign remains open. Please help us reach our goal of raising $4,000. May Allah bless you for your generosity.


Ijtihad and Reformation in Contemporary Times

January 21, 2023 2:00 pm

Inspired by his book Shi-ism Revisted: Ijtihad and Reformation in Contemporary Times,  Dr. Liyakat Takim lectures and leads a discussion into the possibilities and challenges of re-examining the framework of Ijtihad (independent reasoning).

As part of this perennially relevant topic, the following questions will be tackled:

  • Can the social laws of 7th- and 8th-century Arabia still be applied in the 21st century and be relevant to the needs of modern Muslims?
  • What areas of Islamic law should be re-examined without violating the essential spirit of legal, ethical and moral principles of Islam?
  • What are the tensions between those who believe and those who don’t believe that social laws can and need to be reformed?

Board Game Night

November 26, 2022 4:00 pm

The OIL Youth Committee organized an evening of food, fun, and games!

This was a free event, but donations are always welcome.

Open to everyone ages 7+.



Royal Game Cafe
9737 Yonge Street
#Unit 204
Richmond Hill,
ON L4C 8S7

OILtalks: Passions Worth Sharing

November 12, 2022 2:00 pm

The OILtalks series is an in-person event held at MARC, 9000 Bathurst Street, Thornhill. Speakers from our community inform andinspire, as they share their passions and interests.

Farida Visram tackles “Healthy Pocketbooks and Unhealthy Lifestyles.” As we prosper in the West, does our relationship with food as nourishment and medicine need to be re-examined and its value re-established?”

Abdul-Aziz Dewjee explores “Transcendence and Transformation.” Can we find meaning through a spiritual awakening and the glorious quest of self-development?

Daniel Pikelin, a Tai Chi Quan and Qigong instructor, relates a personal journey via his presentation “Tai Chi and the Meaning of Life.

Talib Qizilbash shares some personal experiences in “Print This: the good, the bad and the ugly of self-publishing in the digital age.

OILtalks is a free event.  

The Youth Committee presents “Tree Planting with TRCA”

September 25, 2022 9:30 am

Our goal is to plant 120 trees.

Come join us at Indian Line Campground Restoration Site.

When: 25 September 2022 from 9:30 – 12 pm.
Where: 7625 Finch Avenue W, Brampton, L6T 0B2

For more info, click the link above.

The Youth Group presents “Amazing Acrylics”

April 30, 2022 1:00 pm

FREE ONLINE Painting Event!

This one-day online class is led by SUKAINA WALJI KARIM.

There will be two (2) sessions, click one below to register:

Ages 5–8 @ 1–2:30pm

Ages 9+ @ 3–4:30pm

Please note: For this event, you will need a canvas (8″x10″), a sharpie, gold foil paper,
a kitchen sponge, acrylic paint (around three colours) and paintbrushes.
All of these items can be purchased at the dollar store for under $15.

The Youth Group presents the Ramadan Gift Drive

APRIL 2022

This Ramadan, OIL’s Youth Group is supporting marginalized women and children in partnership with Sakeenah Homes via a EID GIFT DRIVE.

Drop off unwrapped items, such as clothing, toys and gift cards, to any of the following locations by April 15th:

  • 260 Betty Ann Dr, North York
  • 18 Surrey Court, Unionville
  • 74 Brabin Circle, Whitby
  • 5 Naylon Street, Vaughan

Thanks in advance for your support.

PLEASE NOTE: There is a public sign-up form on Google Drive for you to see what others have donated and what is still needed, while also making a note of your planned gift. The link to the form can be accessed by clicking the image or the title above.

Thanks for your generosity, and thanks for making this Eid-ul-Fitr so much happier for families around the GTA.

The Gift Drive is on now from 28 March until 15 April 2022. 

OIL Youth Group Presents the Human Rights Panel

December 12, 2021 3:00 pm

Join us for a discussion on the current state of human rights in Canada and how young people can and are getting involved in positively changing their communities.

This is a virtual event. At the event time, click the link to join the discussion on Zoom.

The panellists are as follows:

Libin Mohamed—promotes social justice through art-based programs.

Alisha Aslam—advocates positive social change within youth.

Meriyam Jahim—stands for equal rights for people with physical disabilities.


Exploring Spirituality Through Different Pathways

May 30, 2021 2:00 pm

Presentations, panel discussions and interactive Q&A sessions are all part of this two-day event exploring the meaning and practice of spirituality in different faiths. Expert guests provide insight into Buddhism, Christianity, First Nations Spirituality, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism and Zoroastrianism.

Our Minds Matter

March 27, 2021 4:30 pm

Mubina Jaffer and Kaniz Amir provide practical solutions for people of all ages struggling during a stressful pandemic. Over two sessions these expert coaches teach self-care, self-awareness and meditation skills to help us combat Covid fatigue.

Black Lives Matter: Listen. Engage. Take Action.

November 7, 2020 11:00 am

An interactive discussion with Rowaida Abdelaziz, National Reporter from the HuffPost and a panel of women educators, broadcasters and activists.

Hear Her, See Her, Be Her: Stories of Four Inspirational Women

February 23, 2020 2:30 pm

A live event with four inspirational guest speakers: Zena Chaudhry, CEO of Sakeenah Homes; author and social entrepreneur Samra Zafar; Iqra Khalid, MP; and entrepreneur Erum Zehra of

OIL’s 2019 “Ted Talk” Series

April 8, 2019 12:00 am

OIL presents its own version of the popular Ted Talk programs. Local presenters share enlightening and educational explorations of topics as diverse as hydroponic gardening and “Awaiting the Messiah.”

Building Bridges Across Generations

November 11, 2018 12:00 am

Marzia Hassan discusses the importance of fostering inter-generational relationships, explores modern challenges to such relationships and reveals some simple ways each of us can improve our relationships.

Support OIL Today!
